Building From Source

Step 1: Prerequisites

  • Git. To install using:

    • for Debian/Ubuntu: apt-get install git
    • for Arch: pacman -S git
  • Node 6.x
  • NPM 3.x

After you installed the prerequisites just clone the repository

$ git clone

Step 2 (Debian/Ubuntu): Dependencies

Once you’ve installed the prerequisites you need the dependencies for Debian/Ubuntu using apt-get. First you need to update your cache. To do so run

$ dpkg --add-architecture i386
$ apt-get -qq -y update

Then you install the dependencies listed below

  • cross compiler dependencies: apt-get -qq -y gcc g++ realpath texinfo
  • barebones dependencies: apt-get -qq -y bc libpixman-1-dev
  • bootfs dependencies: apt-get -qq -y genisoimage libuuid:i386
  • initramfs dependencies: apt-get -qq -y cpio
  • userfs dependencies: apt-get -qq -y autoconf automake
  • qemu dependencies: apt-get -qq -y libsdl1.2-dev

Or as a one liner:

$ apt-get -qq -y gcc g++ realpath texinfo bc libpixman-1-dev genisoimagelibuuid:i386 cpio autoconf automake libsdl1.2-dev

Or just run if you’re outside the folder

$ cd NodeOS/
$ bin/install-dependencies

Step 2 (Arch Linux): Dependencies

Once you have installed the prerequisites you need the dependencies for Arch Linux

  • cross compiler dependencies: pacman -S gcc texinfo python2
  • barebones dependencies: pacman -S bc pixman lib32-pixman
  • bootfs dependencies: pacman -S cdrkit
  • initramfs dependencies: pacman -S cpio
  • userfs dependencies: pacman -S autoconf automake
  • qemu dependencies: pacman -S sdl

Note: The initramfs dependencies are not shipped with the installation of Arch Linux thats why we need to install them on Arch Linux

Or as one liner:

$ pacman -S gcc texinfo python2 bc pixman lib32-pixman cdrkit cpio autoconf automake sdl

Step 3: Installation

Once you’ve installed the correct dependencies for your operating system you can start with the installation of NodeOS.

Note: If you have Arch Linux you need to set python2 as default binary when you run python. Because the standard python binary is python3 and nodegyp doesn’t uses it. To do this, run following commands:

$ cd /usr/bin
$ ln -sf python2 python

The next step is to install the npm dependencies and the bundled dependencies to do this run following command:

$ npm install

Step 4: Build NodeOS

We’ve installed all neccassary dependencies and prerequisites, the next thing we need to do is to build the whole thing, to do so just run:

$ npm run build

if you want to build NodeOS for Docker run the following commands:

$ PLATFORM=docker npm run build
$ npm run dockerBuild

WARNING: If you try to start the generated docker image you’ll get a error on the current version (1.0.0-RC3) of NodeOS that /bin/exclfs cant be found for more Information check out Issue #326

then precede with Step 5

Step 5: Run your fresh NodeOS build

Now you can run your fresh build with:

For QEmu:

$ npm start

For Docker:

$ npm run docker

If NodeOS boot without a error, then everything was compiled correctly. If not look under [[Troubleshooting]]

After NodeOS has booted up you should see something like:

Hello! I'm a user init script :-)

Now you’re prompted to enter your username and password. By default, the username and password is nodeos and cannot be changed without altering code.

$ username: nodeos
$ password: nodeos

Note: This is not permanent on later versions this will be changed

NodeOS is made possible by its many contributors around the world. Source code licensed under the MIT license.

Made with ❤️
and 🍺